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Interested? Here are some FAQ's.

How long are your contracts?

Every SOW we sign is at most 60 days out but on average 30 days minimum.  A twelve month contract isn't beneficial for anyone. 

How big is your team?

We currently have 14 people on the team across the United States.

What other services do you offer?

We focus on channels we're good at and those are paid search, paid social, organic search, and data & conversion rate optimization.  We consider website design and development a supporting channel to the ones listed above.

How many other accounts will my collystring team be working with?

Our organization is structured to have each team member working on no more than four accounts at a time.  We're firm believers in not being spread too thin and for us to help you grow, we have to have a framework to make sure our team has the time and resource to win.

Let’s Get Started.