UTSA Increases RFI Quality With Event Based Calls To Action


UTSA, a leading university in Texas increased their RFIs for on-campus student opportunities by using targeted audience segmentation and an enhanced call to action strategy that leveraged event based offers.

Our Role

Our continued competitor analysis had uncovered that many other institutions were using event based offers in their messaging which lead us to test a similar strategy using those vs. evergreen CTAs. In doing so, we found that event based offers returned both a lower Cost Per RFI and increased total RFIs.

Our Strategy

We scaled campaigns by using first-party data exclusions and segmented top lead-generating cities to allocate additional budget effectively.

  • Updated Call To Actions to be Event-based such as “Sign up for a Campus Tour” or “Register for an Info Session”
  • Segmented out top-performing cities to more effectively allocate dollars to high performing areas
  • Set up additional exclusion list for remarketing campaigns to increase audience quality

Bottom Line

UTSA boosted on-campus RFIs by scaling spend for top performing cities by using messaging that encouraged a sense of urgency and tangibility. Our analysis and strategic enhancements directly correlated with more opportunities for prospective students.

Increase In Remarketing RFI’s YoY
Increase In Net-New RFI’s YoY
Decrease In Cost Per RFI YoY

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