As a challenger brand investing advertising dollars across the paid media landscape, every interaction matters. Higher Conversion Rates lead to lower acquisition costs, extending the reach of your marketing budget.
The Strategy
Our engagement began with a full audit of the existing website, where we identified existing opportunities based on historical performance. We created a tracking infrastructure that would provide valuable insight into what visitors are actually doing on the site (heat mapping, click tracking, and content engagement).
- We built out a robust testing library of experiments, prioritizing those with the highest expected return
- Experiments were built and facilitated using Google Optimize
- Test types included A/B, multivariate, personalizations, and URL redirects
The Bottom Line
Make the most of your advertising dollars. Investing resources into Conversion Rate Optimization identifies valuable opportunities within your conversion funnel to drive leads. Unlike surveys or questionnaires, the data from actual user behavior doesn’t lie. It’s an invaluable resource. When combined with targeted experiments, it leads to insights gained that extend far beyond your site traffic. What does your target audience want? How do they want to be spoken to? And ultimately, what makes them convert?